About us
Welcome to the Project Managment Center
Successful project and investment management requires the development of an
appropriate process model, fully adapted to the requirements and needs of
management, its integration into the existing organizational structure and
operational implementation on all projects in the company.
Сертификовано тело
Our services
Successful project and investment management requires the development of an
appropriate process model, fully adapted to the requirements and needs of
management, its integration into the existing organizational structure and
operational implementation on all projects in the company.

Accelerate your project management business processes (Oracle Primavera and Microsoft)

Improve your business processes, human capacity and service quality by you provide to customers.

CPM provide consulting services for automotive industry.

For the clients in the sector of telecommunications, CPM provides training and PMI certification of project managers, deployment of modern Project Portfolio Management solutions and…

CPM consulting team managed, from the standpoint of business investors in the oil and gas sector, to design a single database System on all investments…

CPM consulting team managed, from the standpoint of business investors, to design a single database System on all investments of the company (PMIS -Project Management…
Our team of professional lecturers
ЦПМ тим консултаната, пројектних менаџера и софтверских стручњака помаже својим клијентима у развоју, увођењу и примени Система за управљање пројектима.
Contact us today
Позовите нас и проверите зашто су нам домаће водеће компаније указале поверење у пружању методолошких и софтверских обука и консултантских услуга из области управљања инвестицијама и пројектима.

As a app web crawler expert, I help organizations adjust to the expanding significance of internet promoting.
Контакт телефон

Комуникација на обуци је била на изузетно високом нивоу: разумљива, опуштена, конкретна и фокусирана на живим примерима са којима се сусрећемо у стварном животу (није стриктно дат акценат на теорији), што је важно за примену у пракси.
Милош Савић,
VIP Mobile
Врло сам задовољан предавачима, материјалом, динамиком и квалитетом обуке. Сигуран сам да ће ми омогућити успешније управљање пројектима.
Дарко Ружић,
Научио сам нове ствари које могу наћи практичну примену у мом послу. Добио сам добар увод за полагање испита за ПМП сертификацију.
Немања Стаменчић,
Societe Generale Banka Srbija
Квалитетни предавачи, који несебично преносе богата искуства са значајних пројеката, подстичу интерактиван дијалог са полазницима и имају одговоре на сва питања...
Александра Глишовић Церовина,
Радионица КРУГ
Поздрав Милане,
Још једном да Вам се пуно захвалим на одличној обуци. Заиста сам срећна и моја очекивања од обуке су испуњена. Стечено знање и искуство за ова три дана су ми дала велику мотивацију за наставак. Одлично сте нам пренели Ваше знање. Ово је комплексна и обимна материја а Ви сте успели да је сведете и да нам је дочарате на један потпуно разумљив начин.
Роска Продановић,
Source Code Ltd
Most visited trainings in CPM
Our partners and attendees about us
Прочитајте неке од издвојених коментара наших полазника методолошких и софтверских обука.

"The Leadership in Project Management training was, first of all, very interesting and inspiring.
The lecturer, Mr. Dragan Vukosavljević, transferred his knowledge of Leadership to PM at a high professional level.
The company "CPM" must be proud to have such people in its ranks, because people make up the company, and with this way I want to show my respect and gratitude. People like this don't work in this way to prove themselves to someone, but simply, they are like that, humble and ordinary, they do it out of personal conviction and persistently try to make tomorrow better."
Jelena Popović,
Manager of investment projects, NIS a.d. Pančevo oil refinery
"Dear Milan, Srdjan and Dragan,
It has been a great pleasure and privilege to work with you. You really met expectations and more, because you managed to convey the knowledge and experience you have in this business in a very effective and unconventional way. In addition, you managed to connect us and, through active participation and sharing of experience from different business sectors, enable us to create a base for improving our skills in the discipline of project management, which we will try to implement on our projects.
In the questionnaire for this course, there was one question, if I remember correctly, which reads: "What do you not expect from this course?" My answer was that it should not be one of those trainings that we will quickly and easily forget. thank you for that."
All the best.
Miloš Milijašević,
M.Sc.ME Project Engineer Energoprojekt Entel a.d.
"Communication in training was at a very high level: understandable, relaxed, concrete and
focused on live examples we encounter in real life (the accent was not strictly on theory), which
is important for practical use."
Miloš Savić,
VIP Mobile
"Very satisfied with the lecturers, materials, dynamics and quality of training. I am certain that it
will enable me successful project management in the future."
Darko Ružić,
"I have learned new things that can find practical application in my work. It is a good
introduction for the PMP certification exam."
Nemanja Stamenčić,
Societe Generale Bank Serbia
"High quality lecturers, unselfishly passing their extensive experience with importrant projects,
encouraging an interactive dialogue with the students and have all the answers..."
Aleksandra Glišović Cerovina,
Radionica KRUG
Greetings Milan,
Once again I would like to thank you very much for the excellent
training. I am really happy and my expectations from the training have been
fulfilled. The knowledge and experience gained during these three days gave me
great motivation to continue. You have conveyed your knowledge to us very well.
This is a complex and extensive matter, and you managed to reduce it and convey
it to us in a completely comprehensible way.
Roska Prodanović,
Source Code Ltd
Вести и дешавања из света консалтинга
As a app web crawler expert, I help organizations adjust to the expanding significance of internet promoting. or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, grap or web designs.