Project Portfolio Management Project Portfolio Management Attendees: Project, program and portfolio managers, managers of PMOs Duration: 2 days (16 hours) THE COURSE SUMMARY: INTRODUCTIONS: What is a “Portfolio” and how does it differ from a “Program”? What different types of Programs may exist in an organization? How do “Projects” come to be grouped together in Programs or Portfolios? How do Portfolios, Programs and Projects fit together within an organization? How does the “best practice” view compare to your own organization’s understanding of the definitions and the interrelationships? BUILDING A PORTFOLIO: Identifying and analyzing Portfolios and Programs of Projects within your own organization Selecting the “best projects” for inclusion in a portfolio or program Commonly used project selection tools and approaches Some less familiar means of determining project selection Portfolio authorization and prioritization of Programs and Projects within a Portfolio Establishing Portfolio Governance Critical Success Factors for successful Portfolio Management REVIEW OF DIFFERENT PMO MODELS: From “Project Office” to “Centre of Excellence”. The PMO as a “value-added” function. What model is the PMO in your organization? THE STRATEGIC PMO: Creating an action plan for the development of Strategically-driven Portfolio Management in your organization Gathering the initial portfolio information Defining the goals, resources and assets for portfolio Linking projects; goals, resources and assets Defining the organization’s strategic resources Prioritizing projects according to your defined acceptance criteria Examining portfolio balance The Role of Software Tools for Project Portfolio Management Conclusions + Add to Google Calendar + iCal / Outlook export Date 08 - 09 Apr 2024 Expired! Time 09:00 - 17:00 Share this event